10 ways to make sure your child’s toys are safe

10 ways to make sure your child’s toys are safe

10 ways to make sure your child’s toys are safe

With so many inventions taking place every day and technology taking over our lives, it has become immensely important for modern-day parents to ensure that their child grows in a safe environment.

Markets are flooded with new gadgets and toys that electrify children but it is a parent who has to make the right choice after analyzing the pros and cons of everything. It is important to introduce age-appropriate toys.

Infants and toddlers tend to put everything in their mouths, hence it becomes even more important for parents to assure that the toys are safe.

Here are 10 ways by which you can make sure that you are buying safe toys for your children.


Avoid the dangers of lead or lead paint in toys. Lead can cause lower IQ problems, hyperactivity, abnormal behavior, and slow down a child’s growth.

Young children tend to be more vulnerable to lead hazards because their body absorbs more lead than an adult. 

Therefore it is extremely important to inspect a toy’s ingredients and be sure that it is lead-free to save your child from its dangerous properties.

Washable toys

Make sure the stuff toys that you buy for your child can be washed. Infants will try to nibble their toys and if not washed, they may get infected.

It is a good way to ensure your child’s hygiene and prevent him from unwanted infections and viruses. 

Nontoxic art material

Clay and other play dough are very common art materials that parents get for their children. It is important to check the ingredients before bringing them home.

These clay and doughs can contain toxic chemicals that are dangerous for a child’s delicate system. As long as possible, go only for organic play doughs.

Children might forget to wash their hands after playing or accidentally put a piece of toxic clay in their mouths. To avoid such incidents, train your child well and keep a note of the art material ingredients that you introduce.

Flame Resistant

Besides being age-appropriate, it is important to note what a toy is made up of. 

Toys should be made using materials that are flame resistant and have the least chances of catching fire and causing burn injuries.

Check before buying whether the toy fabric is flame resistant and retardant or not.

Choking and safety risks

Do not buy toys that have small parts and can choke your child. Every year there are hundreds of emergency cases rushed to the hospital relating to toy hazards. Many among them are because the child was choked.

No matter how cautious you are, your child will put his toy pieces in his mouth. To avoid any unfortunate incident, do not bring such toys that your child can gulp.

Say no to sharp edges and points

 Avoid plastic or wooden toys that are sharp-edged because they can cause severe injuries to the child.

Prefer toys that are soft and child friendly. It is important to check the appropriateness o a toy before making them a part of your child’s life.

Before buying a toy, make sure it does not break easily. Avoid toys with metal parts especially for infants and small children.

Encourage Safety gears

Get safety gear along with toys. Like when you get skates for your toddler, bring a helmet and knee and elbow pads with it. When you get a bicycle, bring safety gear with it.

This is a parent’s responsibility to ensure a child’s safety while dealing with toys and gadgets that can lead to injuries.

Safety gears are to protect your child and his fragile body from unwanted injuries.

No loud noises

There are toys in the market that make very sharp noises. Such toys should be strongly discouraged.

They can impair your child’s hearing system. Some sounds can reach such high levels that they become annoying. 

New research shows that toys that are flashy and play music slow down a toddler’s language development.

Toy cap guns

Toy cap guns encourage violent behavior. They make children aggressive which is not a good trait to develop.

Also, it creates a loud sound that is not good for a child. It is always good to get toys that aid child development and not induce them with negative traits.

Toys that fly or shoot objects

Toys with long strings can be really dangerous for children. They can injure their eyes and face very badly. Such projectile toys can cause serious injuries if hit by sharp flying objects.

Such toys also pose a choking risk for infants. Ignore such toys as much as possible. Even if you get any, make sure the arrows have soft ends. Also, get gears for your children like glasses to ensure their safety.

Your job does not end with toy shopping! A parent has to be very keen in observing his child’s actions. Teach him the right way of using toys. Encourage them not to put anything in their mouth. Ask your toddler to wind up their toys after playing!

Reporting unsafe toys to the concerned authorities is an implied responsibility of a parent. If you come across an unsafe product at a toy store, raise your voice against it. 

Let’s build a safe playful environment for all the children around us. 

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